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UF Digital Humanities Working Group Brown Bag Lunch and Lightning Round Presentations

Library West 212 (Scott Nygren Studio)

The Digital Humanities Working Group is hosting brown-bag lunch lightning round sessions. Please feel free to come for all or part of the session and bring your lunch along. Do you have: - a DH project you’ve finished and you want to share it with everyone - a DH project that’s in progress (and maybe you

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series: How to develop an Open Source Framework (OSF) project? – Plato Smith

Marston Science Library L308

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series Held in Marston Science Library L308 at 3:00 pm. Reservations requested but not required. All workshops are free and open to all. See here for full list of upcoming workshops in the library: April 24 - How to develop an Open Source Framework (OSF) project? – Plato Smith Have you heard


Local Impacts of Mass Incarceration: A Community Round Table

Reitz Union Room 2355

Between 1980 and 2015, the number of people incarcerated in America increased from near 500,000 to over 2.2 million. Today, 1 in every 37 adults in the United States is under some form of correctional supervision. While this punishment creep impacts communities, populations, and individuals in different ways, its presence impacts our local community in distinct ways. You are invited to a round table where community members directly address how they


Humanities Writing Retreat (2019)

Austin Cary Forest Learning Center 10625 NE Waldo Road, Gainesville, FL

Humanities Writing Retreat Monday-Friday, May 6-10, 2019 (UF intersession) 8:30am to 4:30pm daily Austin Cary Forest Learning Center The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere offers a five-day writing retreat in the peaceful Austin Cary Forest Learning Center. Turn off your cell phones! Dust off your writing project! Finish your article! Jump-start your

Sip and Scholarship: An Evening of Legends and Libations

The Edison 470 Suwannee St, Tallahassee, FL, United States

The Florida Council for History Education will host an evening of libations and stories from Florida's past.  Members and non-members are invited to join the fun at the Edison Restaurant in Tallahassee, as Dr. Andrea Oliver shares narratives of historical events through an informal and interactive lecture.  Cash bar and full menu will be available.


Florida and Water: A History

Join Steven Noll, master lecturer in the University of Florida Department of History, who will be the guest speaker at this month's installment of the public lecture series, Evenings at Whitney. For further details, call (904) 461-4000


SciArt Meetup: Reptiles and Amphibians

Florida Museum of Natural History 3215 Hull Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Artists and designers are invited to visit the Florida Museum of Natural History after hours for SciArt Meetups to explore exhibits and create art inspired by Florida nature and culture! With partners Santa Fe College Art Gallery and Wayfaring Painter, join the museum on May 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. for a brief art


Dissertation Writing Workshop: Writing a Comprehensive Literature Review

Pugh 170

Join Vernetta K. Williams, PhD, and learn the ins and outs of how to write a comprehensive literature review - a collection of articles, books, and other sources on a specific topic - to sum up existing research on your subject, put your own research in context, and highlight what your research will add to


Picture Perfect

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, Florida

Innovate + Create

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, Florida

Digital Collaborations on Black History in Florida Project

Smathers Library 100 1523 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

This two-day workshop is designed to explore a new approach to transformative collaboration between Black community organizations in North Florida and the UF Smathers Libraries.  The workshop will bring together Black Studies scholars, heritage professionals, and culture keepers to promote and support Black-centered digital projects. Sponsored by UF Smathers Libraries, Center for the Humanities and


Media Mix

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, Florida

Is Your Writing Clear? How to Simplify Complex Research Ideas in Writing

J. Wayne Reitz Union Chamber Room

Join Dr. Vernetta K. Williams for the latest Dissertation Writing Workshop.  Scholarly writing requires synthesizing and analyzing information from numerous sources. Articulating ideas from multiple sources in a logical, clear manner in writing is a daunting task. This workshop provides a framework for simplifying complex ideas in order to write clearly about research by identifying


Phillips Center Open House

Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts 3201 Hull Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Join the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts to enjoy great fun, delicious food, and showstopper prizes at the first ever Open House at the Phillips Center. 2019-20 season performance tickets go on sale to the general public that day, and they’re throwing a party to celebrate, with food from Cilantro Tacos, Live Music, Family


Having an Inclusive Classroom for Globalization: Leading International Students through Gaps

201 Bryant Space Science Center 1772 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Learn to identify the needs, difficulties, and challenges that international students face, and discuss the various reasons behind their behaviors.  Together, participants will identify visible and invisible gaps between the perspectives of international students and faculty, and discuss strategies for how to overcome these gaps. By participating in this workshop you can earn miles toward


Conversations for a Culture of Inclusion

201 Bryant Space Science Center 1772 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Do you engage with your colleagues in a way that brings out their best? Does your team collaborate in a way that combines the unique talents and abilities of each member to achieve big goals? In this discussion-based course, you will discover specific inclusive behaviors and strategies proven to increase engagement, innovation, and productivity in


Setting Global-Cultural Limits 30-Years After Berlin 1989

Pugh Hall 302

Calling for student volunteers! If you would like to get connected to a student group connected to the projects described below, come to the organizational meeting on Thursday, August 29, 7-8 pm in Pugh Hall 302 or contact Professor Will Hasty ( This fall UF students and faculty continue a decade-long consideration of Walls and


Classrooms, Community, and Critical Conversations

201 Bryant Space Science Center 1772 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

The foundation of trust is imperative for critical dialogue which can enhance learning, identity development, and intercultural communication among students.  Participants will learn the best practices for building community and increasing trust within a classroom.


Teaching with Technology

201 Bryant Space Science Center 1772 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

This community will explore teaching with technology including delivering courses and teaching with emerging technologies online or in a physical classroom.


Visiting Artists Lecture: Felipe Baeza

Little Hall 101

Felipe Baeza, born in Guanajuato, Mexico, incorporates painting and printmaking to examine his own biography and interests in migration, sexuality, and anthropology. Baeza’s art practice aims to assert an individuality outside of the strictures and disappointments of language. Recent exhibitions include La Emergencia de Hacer Memoria, Fortnight Institute, New York, NY; and Nobody Promised You



201 Bryant Space Science Center 1772 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Explore teaching with ePortfolios!  Instructors and instructional designers will explore approaches to ePortfolio pedagogy including project management, mentorship, peer-review, and assessment.


Social Learning Through Portfolios

201 Bryant Space Science Center 1772 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Discover a tool developed to enhance the demonstrated benefits of learner portfolios by harnessing the power of social networking.  The tool, designed for foundational language courses, allows students to collaborate, share and comment on each other's work, following the tenets of Integrated Performance Assessments.


Fall Kickoff for the Humanities Engagement Scholars Program

Walker 200

Are you interested in the humanities beyond your major? Do you enjoy attending events about the humanities at UF and in the community? Do you like to talk about the human condition and our place in the world and in the cosmos?  If your answer is yes, the new Humanities Engagement Scholars program might be


EVENT CANCELLED – De Gullah/Geechee: Living Resilience and Sustainability Culturally – Queen Quet

Health Professions/Nursing/Pharmacy Complex Room G-101 1225 Center Dr, Gainesville, FL, United States

UNFORTUNATELY, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE DORIAN. Queen Quet is a global climate change leader that is the visionary behind the "Gullah/Geechee Sustainability Think Tank" which centers its work on human health and environmental quality coupled with the protection of coastal cultural heritage.  They seek to insure equity is a part of


Chant, Identity, and Christian Formation in Early Medieval Iberia – Rebecca Maloy

Friends of Music Room

This paper considers the role of liturgical chant--both texts and melodies—in the cultural renewal of early Medieval Iberia. Between the seventh and eleventh centuries, Christian worship on the Iberian Peninsula was structured by rituals of great theological and musical richness, known as the Old Hispanic (or Mozarabic) rite. Much of this liturgy was produced during
