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Barbara Mennel

Associate Professor of German and English 2011-2012 Library Enhancement Grant Prof. Barbara Mennel, Director for the Center for Film and Media Studies, was awarded a Library Enhancement Grant in Spring 2011 to develop the Film and Media Resources (FMR) maintained by the Center. FMR consists of an academic collection of films, videos, and multimedia for […]

Jill Sonke

Jill Sonke School of Theatre and Dance / UF Center for the Arts in Medicine 2012-2013 Library Enhancement Grant Jill Sonke, Director of the UF Center for the Arts in Medicine, was awarded a grant through the Library Enhancement Program in Spring 2012 to extend the holdings of the Criser Cancer Resource Center (CCRC). Acquisitions […]

Jason Steuber, Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler, and Allysa Browne Peyton

Jason Steuber Cofrin Curator of Asian Art, Harn Museum of Art Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler Museum & Special Projects Coordinator, Digital Library Center, University of Florida Allysa Browne Peyton Curatorial Associate of Asian Art, Harn Museum of Art 2012-2013 Library Enhancement Grant A Library Enhancement Grant was awarded to the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art to […]

Eric Segal

Education Curator of Academic Programs, Harn Museum of Art In collaboration with Ivy Chen Bishop Studies Center Manager, Harn Museum of Art 2013-2014 Library Enhancement Grant Dr. Eric Segal received a library enhancement grant to support acquisitions for the Bishop Studies Center (BSC) at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art. The BSC under the […]

Malini Johar Schueller

Department of English 2013-2014 Library Enhancement Grant Professor Malini Johar Schueller, Professor of English and Director of the Asian American Studies Certificate Program, has received a Library Enhancement Grant to increase UF library holdings in Asian American Studies. Since the certificate program opened its doors at UF in 2004, students and faculty have expressed great […]

Elisabet Liminyana Vico and Ana de Prada Pérez

Elisabet Liminyana Vico Instructor of Catalan and Graduate Student, Journalism Ana de Prada Pérez Assistant Professor of Spanish 2013-2014 Library Enhancement Grant A Library Enhancement Grant was awarded to Ms. Liminyana Vico and Dr. de Prada Pérez to acquire additional holdings in Catalan linguistics and cultural studies. These acquisitions will build on current collection strengths […]

Jack Kugelmass

Jack Kugelmass Director of Jewish Studies and Professor of Anthropology Rebecca Jefferson Head of the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica 2014-2015 Library Enhancement Grant Drs. Kugelmass and Jefferson have been awarded a Library Enhancement Grant to acquire historical newspapers on microfilm for the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica at the University […]

Alessia Colarossi

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (Italian) In collaboration with Deborah Amberson Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (Italian) 2014-2015 Library Enhancement Grant Drs. Alessia Colarossi and Deborah Amberson have been awarded a Library Enhancement Grant in the Humanities for 2014 to supplement the University of Florida Libraries’ Italian resources. Through the acquisition of Italian primary and critical texts, […]

Najwa Al-Tabaa

Department of English 2015-2016 Library Enhancement Grant Najwa Al-Tabaa, a PhD student in English, was awarded a Library Enhancement grant to further improve an already strong collection of comics in Library West by addressing a crucial absence: theoretical texts about comics. The acquisition of works such as The Power of Comics: History, Form and Culture […]

Eleni Bozia

Department of Classics 2015-2016 Library Enhancement Grant Dr. Eleni Bozia, Assistant Professor of Classics, was awarded a Library Enhancement grant to improve the current digital humanities collection in Library West. Over the past few decades, the digital humanities as a distinct interdisciplinary field of research has grown significantly. Many universities including Harvard, Princeton, and Duke […]