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Research Fundamentals Workshops Series: Experimental Research Designs– Dave Schwieder

Marston Science Library L308

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series Held in Marston Science Library L308 at 3:00 pm. Reservations requested but not required. All workshops are free and open to all. See here for full list of upcoming workshops in the library. March 20 - Experimental Research Designs– Dave Schwieder This workshop provides an overview of experimental research, including the


Authors@UF: Dr. Barbara Mennel

Smathers Library 100 1523 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Barbara Mennel
Rothman Chair and Director, Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere
Associate Professor, Departments of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, and English. Wednesday, March 20, 2019 3:30 p.m., Smathers Library, Room 100 Women at Work in Twenty-First-Century European Cinema 
University of Illinois Press, 2019

From hairdressers and caregivers to reproductive workers and power-suited executives, images of women’s labor

From Segregation to Black Lives Matter: A Symposium and Celebration of the Opening of the Joel Buchanan Archive of African American Oral History at the University of Florida

George A. Smathers Libraries

January 11, 2019: For Immediate Release The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida announces: From Segregation to Black Lives Matter. A Symposium and Celebration of the Opening of the Joel Buchanan Archive of African American Oral History at the University of Florida Free registration is available here. Contact: Tamarra Jenkins, (352-392-7168),

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series: 3D Printing for Research – Sara Gonzalez

Marston Science Library L308

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series Held in Marston Science Library L308 at 3:00 pm. Reservations requested but not required. All workshops are free and open to all. See here for full list of upcoming workshops in the library. March 21 – 3D Printing for Research – Sara Gonzalez


HESCAH Lecture | Plotting the Roman Garden

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, Florida

Join the School of Art + Art History for Plotting the Roman Garden, a HESCAH lecture given by Dr. Bettina Bergmann, the Helene Phillips Herzig  '49 Professor of Art History at Mount Holyoke College on Thursday, March 21 at 6 p.m. in the Chandler Auditorium at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art. Free and open


From Inscribing to Emoticoding: A workshop on human-readable information encoding with Angelos Barmpoutis

Research Education and Visualization Environment at the Digital Worlds Institute (NRG building).

Human-readable information encoding has transitioned throughout human history utilizing the available technologies. During this evolution, humans familiarized themselves with various encoding schemes beyond natural language alphabets, such as Braille, Tally marks, and much more recently Morse code, Cellphone texting in 4×3 numerical keypads, emoticoding, and many others. This presentation discusses the common elements behind these encoding schemes and showcases

The 14th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences (CSS)

Reitz Union - Various Rooms

For the past 14 years, the Florida Society of the Social Sciences (F3S) has strived to provide a unique forum for Florida’s scholars of the social and humanistic sciences to engage with others around issues of social import and impact. The cornerstone of F3S’s efforts is the Annual Conference of the Social Sciences, where hundreds of graduate and


Once More at the River: From MLK to BLM

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, Florida

Once More at the River: From MLK to BLM, a one-hour documentary, explores the rich and continuing history of political activism in Memphis since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated there in 1968. This activism has often involved confrontation and sometimes controversy. This story, told through oral history interviews of more than 20 Memphis-based

“We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria,” A Talk by Dr. Wendy Pearlman

Smathers Library 100 1523 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Based on interviews with hundreds of Syrians conducted over four years across the Middle East, Europe, and the United States, "We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria" chronicles the war from its origins to its present horror, solely through the words of ordinary people transformed by its unfolding. Parents, children, students, teachers,


“Early Experiments in Digital Postcolonial Studies” with Deepika Bahri

Dauer 219

This brief talk will revisit the creation of the Postcolonial Studies @ Emory web site in 1996 as an example of early postcolonial digital praxis, its evolution in today's information rich digital environment,  and speculations about the future of postcolonial digital humanities.


“Postcolonial Biology” with Deepika Bahri

Dauer 219

“Postcolonial Biology” Tuesday, March 26, 3:00 pm in Dauer 219 Postcolonial Biology investigates how minds and bodies have been shaped by colonial contact, to create deeply embedded hierarchies among the colonized. Moving beyond “North/South” thinking, Bahri reframes the questions of postcolonial bodies to address all societies, whether developed or developing. Engaging in innovative, highly original readings


Research Fundamentals Workshops Series: Deciding Where to Publish– Suzanne Stapleton

Marston Science Library L308

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series Held in Marston Science Library L308 at 3:00 pm. Reservations requested but not required. All workshops are free and open to all. See here for full list of upcoming workshops in the library. March 27 - Deciding Where to Publish– Suzanne Stapleton Are you writing up your STEM research results? Learn


Punch of the Autochtones

College of the Arts Lecture Hall - FAB 0105

Jan Čumlivski is a Prague-based graphic designer, book artist, and historian of graphic design. He has won many prizes for his art-books, and teaches at Prague’s Academy of Art, Architecture and Design and Bratislava’s Academy of Fine Arts and Design. His talk will focus on samizdat, the clandestine text-image practice of self-publishing formerly common across


ePortfolio Workshop: Getting Started

UF International Center

Join the UF International Center for an ePortfolio Workshop in their Center's Large Conference Room. The presentation will go over how to get started and how to navigate, what you'll need to include, and suggested guidelines for making a polished, reflective, and career-driven ePortfolio as part of the International Scholars Program and Peace Corps Prep.

Campus Earth Week Keynote Address featuring Julian Agyeman

University Auditorium 333 Newell Dr, Gainesville, FL, United States

Please join Sustainable UF for the Campus Earth Week Keynote Address featuring Julian Agyeman, expert and thought leader whose research centers on the concept of Just Sustainabilities. This event is free and open to the public. Julian Agyeman Ph.D. FRSA FRGS is a Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, and


Gender, Disability, and the Chinese Muslim’s Encounters with Cultural Traditions and a Modernized World

The PICT Theater of Research Education and Visualization Environment at the Digital Worlds Institute (Normal Gym Building, 2nd FL)

Red Flowers and Green Leaves (Dir. Liu Miaomiao, 2018, Fiction/96 min/English subtitle/Color) Film screening and discussion with the Filmmaker Time: April 2, Tuesday, 5:15-7:30pm Location: The PICT Theater of Research Education and Visualization Environment at the Digital Worlds Institute (Normal Gym Building, 2nd FL) Abstract: Shot in a village of the Hui people, a minority

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series: Introduction to Qualitative Research – Dave Schwieder

Marston Science Library L308

Research Fundamentals Workshops Series Held in Marston Science Library L308 at 3:00 pm. Reservations requested but not required. All workshops are free and open to all. See here for full list of upcoming workshops in the library. April 3 - Introduction to Qualitative Research – Dave Schwieder This workshop provides a basic overview of qualitative


Dream Empire with David Borenstein

The PICT Theater of Research Education and Visualization Environment at the Digital Worlds Institute (Normal Gym Building, 2nd FL)

Film screening and discussion with the Filmmaker David Borenstein. Yana’s company uses actors to turn remote Chinese ghost towns into temporary “international booming cities,” tricking visitors into buying overpriced property. But when the real estate market starts to collapse, she faces financial ruin. Released in 2016, Dream Empire is a boom to bust tale set


The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin

Smathers Library 100 1523 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

Smather's Library and the English Department would like to invite you to the Gainesville screening of the internationally Award-winning documentary, "The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin" on April 4th 2019, in Smathers 100 from 3:30-6:30. The documentarian/filmmaker Arwen Curry will be present to answer questions after the screening. Ursula K. Le Guin passed away


Bringing America together, Taking the Nazis Apart: Hollywood Jews, Moviemaking During World War II, and Implicating Film in the Third Reich

Judaica Suite, Library East

Michael Berkowitz is Professor of modern Jewish history at University College London and editor of Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England (UCL Press).  Please join him for a public talk on film during World War II. Professor Berkowitz received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin and taught previously at the
