Grant Writing Workshop Series
October 4 ‒ November 8, 2023 @(6-7:30PM)
Walker Hall 200
This Fall semester, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere is offering a Grant Writing Workshop Series to 15 UF graduate students in the humanities and humanistic sciences. Based on Folsom’s book “How to Get Grant Money in the Humanities and Social Sciences,” the Grant Writing Workshop Series will provide graduate students the basics of the grant-writing process, including finding a mentor, conceptualizing the project, and tailoring an application for a specific submission.
Students will explore different grant funding bodies, detailed instruction on preparing a proposal (including all sections i.e., budget preparation, facilities, environment, approach, biosketches), and the application and review process. In addition to developing a competitive grant proposal, workshop applicants will receive a timeline and guidance for requesting recommendation letters. At the end of the program, students’ proposal will be reviewed by an internal panel evaluation.
You can find the guideline here.
Cosponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences