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Constructing Iberian Empires through Trade and Science

Grinter 471

Prof. Shifra Armon, 2017 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellow (Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese Studies) Cacey Farnsworth, 2017-18 Rothman Doctoral Fellow (Dept. of History) Thursday, 8 February – 4:00pm-5:00pm, Grinter Hall 471 (Center for African Studies Conference Room) Staging Curiosity: Skepticism and Science on the Spanish Stage: 1650-1750 Prof. Shifra Armon Spain has been accused of

Text Meets Image & Image Meets Text: Sequences & Assemblages, Out of Africa & Congo

UF’s Center for African Studies is devoting its 17th Carter Conference to creating a critical public forum about new methods and politics in curation and text-image studies. Emphasizing juxtapositions, sequences, montage, friction, and postcolonial politics, it will problematize archival, field, and curatorial techniques in the global humanities. We aim to interrogate art, fables, lexicons, dreams,

Mediations to Action: Contemporary Composition and Revolution in the French Caribbean

Grinter 471

Navid Bargrizian, 2017-2018 Tedder Family Doctoral Fellow (School of Music) Elyssa Gage, 2017-2018 Tedder Family Doctoral Fellow (Dept. of History) Thursday, 1 February – 4:00pm-5:00pm, Grinter Hall 471 (Center for African Studies Conference Room) Microtonality, Technology, and (Post)Dramatic Structures in Harry Partch’s and Manfred Stahnke’s Theatrical Music Navid Bargrizan Exploring the intersections of microtonal music,