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Current Issues Series: Let’s Talk About…Policing

In the wake of protests and increased dialogue around racial equity, many have been grappling with questions of policing in our local community and on a national level. This Let’s Talk About program, hosted by The Brown Center for Leadership and Service will feature an engaging and interactive discussion between national experts and UF students

2020-2021 FLDH Webinar Series: Documenting Africa: Digitally Storytelling African Cultures Through Space and Time

During the fall of 2018, Drs. Mary Anne Lewis Cusato and Demerdash-Fatemi received funding from the Great Lakes College Association (GLCA) to begin a project called “Documenting Africa.” Through two courses—Dr. Cusato’s “Fourteen Kilometers: Mediterranean (Im)Migrations in Contemporary Francophone Literature and Film” course at Ohio Wesleyan University and Dr. Demerdash-Fatemi’s “Introduction to African Arts” course

Waka Poetry’s Myths of Origin – Talk by Gustav Heldt (University of Virginia)

The Waka (Japanese 31-syllable poetry) tradition asserts that Waka began with the god Susa-no-o’s song at Izumo, but this tradition has always been open to reinscription. This talk will trace the multiple and occasionally conflicting myths of waka poetry’s origins while considering how these narratives can be further fleshed out by attention to the surviving corpus