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Perec, Je me souviens/Je me souviens de Perec

Pugh Hall 302

Join us for a celebration of Georges Perec, writer and crossword puzzle maker (1936-1982). Perec, Je me souviens/Je me souviens de Perec dedicates an entire day to a consideration of Perec and his legacy, meditating on the traces of his influence that endure through works in France and throughout the world.Event Speakers:Hermes Salceda (U. Vigo,

What We know about the History of Pets – and What We Don’t

Webinar with Professor Philip Howell (Historical Geography, Cambridge University)  Respondent: Terry Harpold (UF Department of English) Moderator: Sarra Tlili (UF Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures) Join us via this Automatic Zoom Meeting Registration Link: The history of pets has long been a topic for social and cultural historians, but it has become particularly important for

Virtual Exchange Training Info Session

Please join UFIC on Tuesday, April 12th from 2:00 - 3:00pm for a virtual info session about the Fall 2022 Virtual Exchange Training program. Learn about the 5-week online training program that will help faculty design and incorporate virtual international content and communication activities into existing courses. Through virtual exchange, faculty can connect their UF classes with students and faculty abroad to collaborate on assignments, acquire global perspectives on a given discipline, and develop intercultural competence skills.

Bodies, Art, and Protest: Puerto Rican Feminists’ Disruptive Performances

This event is free and open to the public. This event is part of The Power of Play: Bodies, Justice & Technology Series, which invites participants to take seriously the possibilities of play through body utilization and technology. Co-Sponsored by: UF Center for Gender, Sexualities and Women's Studies Research, UF Center for Latin American Studies.Dr.

Story in the Age of AI

Dr. Angus Fletcher is a professor of English at Ohio State University and a member of the world-renowned Project Narrative initiative. Angus has dual degrees in neuroscience (BS, University of Michigan) and literature (PhD, Yale). His most recent book--Wonderworks--has been described by one reviewer as the work of a polymath.

African American History Meets AI in the 21st Century Classroom

Faculty and student panelists will discuss how they are utilizing artificial intelligence to create instructional lesson plans from SPOHP’s UF’s Joel Buchanan African American Oral History Archive and make it accessible to scholars and K-12 students. Exploratory themes that will be discussed will be on curriculum and the uses of local history, the creation of

Health Humanities Panel

Marston Science Library 136

A mentoring and networking opportunity for students interested in learning more about health humanities and what UF has to offer in this field. In-person: Marston Science Library L-136 Zoom Registration  

AI Mini-Symposium: AI Ethics and Policy

Reitz Union Second Floor Auditorium 686 Museum Road, Gainesville, FL, United States

AI poses novel challenges to societal norms and values. Addressing these challenges requires interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing technical work in computer science into conversation with scholarship in law, the humanities, and the social sciences. This Mini-Symposium showcases the variety of research programs in AI ethics and policy across UF’s campus, and it invites reflection on how a major research institution can cultivate a rich AI ethics and policy ecosystem.

Creating Global Classrooms Through Virtual Exchange Workshop

Join Paloma Rodriguez for a virtual workshop where you will discover different types of virtual exchange (VE) activities designed by UF faculty and learn how international virtual exchange can benefit students and faculty alike. This session will provide information on the UF Global Classrooms initiative, including VE training and resources to find international collaborators for course projects.

Teaching Film: A Tiny Roundtable for Graduate Assistants

Reitz Union 2360

The Graduate Film Studies Group is excited to announce our upcoming Spring 2022 event, "Teaching Film: A Tiny Roundtable for Graduate Assistants," on Thursday, April 7, 4 pm - 5 pm, in the Reitz Union, room 2360. For this workshop, we are hosting six guest speakers, all graduate teaching assistants, to discuss their experiences teaching UF’s

Language Day at the Cade

Cade Museum 811 S. Main St., Gainesville, Florida

Have you ever wondered how many languages there are? Are you curious how brain waves teach us about language? Come to the Cade and explore the science of language with UF’s Departments of Linguistics and Spanish & Portuguese Studies. Students and faculty will take you on a linguistic journey as you solve puzzles, take a

Event included in museum admission price

Black Digital Praxis: Intersectional Tech and Black Life Online

With this presentation, Dr. Gray illustrates a framework for studying the intersectional development of technological artifacts and systems and their impact on Black cultural production and social processes. Using gaming as the glue that binds this project, Dr. Gray puts forth intersectional tech as a framework to make sense of the visual, textual, and oral

Marilyn in French: Biopics in French

Library West 212 (Scott Nygren Studio)

Dr. Florence Fix, Université de Rouen, FranceThis event, part of the France-Florida Research Institute Theater Revival Project, is free and open tothe public. During the academic year, the Theater Revival Project has organized a series of eventsinvolving the expertise of scholars in the field, actors, playwrights, directors and actors. More information:

Critical Theories for Museum Studies TED(ish) Talks

Library West 212 (Scott Nygren Studio)

Decolonization and Digitization: The Ethics of Access The Problem with "best practice" What's decolonization doing in a nice place like museums? Everyone's an expert: the controversies of eating while pregnant And more!

African Diasporic Arts and Social Change

Join the University Press of Florida for the first event in a series on race and diasporic culture in the Americas. This event series is made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP) grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Moderator: David Canton Director of African American Studies, University

Museum Nights: Year of the Tigress

Harn Museum of Art 3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, Florida

Join us for our upcoming Museum Nights including a conversation with Taiwan documentary filmmaker Jasmine Ching-hui Lee and the screening of her film Money and Honey. Experience art from Asia during an after-hours museum event as we celebrate the contributions of women artists to Asian Art & Culture! Student, faculty and UF and community collaborators

Virtual Exchange Training Info Session

Virtual info session on the Fall 2022 Virtual Exchange Training program. Learn about the 5-week online training program that will help faculty design and incorporate virtual international content and communication activities into existing courses. Through virtual exchange, faculty can connect their UF classes with students and faculty abroad to collaborate on assignments, acquire global perspectives

Looking Ahead, The Politics of Florida and the 2022 Midterm Elections

Join the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative and the UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program for a dynamic panel discussion that will focus on Latino political candidates in Florida, their platforms, their electoral base, the issues taking center stage in this election cycle, and the political implications that the races in Florida will have

Critical Theories for Museum Studies TED(ish) Talks

Library West 212 (Scott Nygren Studio)

Decolonization and Digitization: The Ethics of Access The Problem with "best practice" What's decolonization doing in a nice place like museums? Everyone's an expert: the controversies of eating while pregnant And more!

Let’s Talk Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts Series

The Let’s Talk Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts Series is a monthly dialogue series that meets on the fourth Friday of each month. Sessions for Spring 2022 are Jan. 28, Feb. 25, Mar. 25, and Apr. 22. To RSVP for these sessions, please visit HERE. Participants will gain: (1) skills to build their intercultural competence,

Field & Fork Campus Food Program: Spring Open House

UF Field and Fork Farm and Garden 2656 Museum Rd, Gainesville, FL, United States

You're invited to join the Field & Fork Campus Food Program for our SPRING OPEN HOUSE! Connect with your local sustainable food community, check out our new facilities, hop along to farm tours, partake in plant give-aways, learn about new opportunities, taste delicious local food and diverse flavors, meander the ethnoecology gardens, chat with researchers,

“Battle for the Ballot” The Struggle for Voting Rights in Florida

Please join the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program for a special webinar presentation on Monday, April 25 at noon on the history of voting rights struggles in Florida by Allison Mitchell, a University of Virginia PhD candidate in history. Mitchell is the recipient of SPOHP’s Julian Pleasants Travel Award for outstanding research in oral history.

Virtual Exchange Training Info Session

Please join us on Monday, April 25th from 1:00 - 2:00pm for a virtual info session on the Fall 2022 Virtual Exchange Training program. Learn about the 5-week online training program that will help faculty design and incorporate virtual international content and communication activities into existing courses. Through virtual exchange, faculty can connect their UF

The Revolutionists

Hippodrome State Theatre 25 SE 2nd Pl, Gainesville, FL, United States

Mainstage Live TheatreFour beautiful, badass women lose their heads in this irreverent, girl-powered comedy set during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Playwright Olympe de Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle hang out, murder Marat, and try to beat back the extremist insanity in 1793 Paris. This grand