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Latest Past Events
Current Issues Series: Let’s Talk About…Policing
In the wake of protests and increased dialogue around racial equity, many have been grappling with questions of policing in our local community and on a national level. This Let’s
2020-2021 FLDH Webinar Series: Documenting Africa: Digitally Storytelling African Cultures Through Space and Time
During the fall of 2018, Drs. Mary Anne Lewis Cusato and Demerdash-Fatemi received funding from the Great Lakes College Association (GLCA) to begin a project called “Documenting Africa.” Through two
Waka Poetry’s Myths of Origin – Talk by Gustav Heldt (University of Virginia)
The Waka (Japanese 31-syllable poetry) tradition asserts that Waka began with the god Susa-no-o’s song at Izumo, but this tradition has always been open to reinscription. This talk will trace the