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Supporting Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: A Conversation with Dr. Matthew Goldfeder
September 14, 2017 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The DHWG has grown quickly at UF since its launch in 2012, and now supports an active meet-up series and a Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanties. At a large, comprehensive land-grant university like UF, DHWG members have found a variety of opportunities for exploring humanities scholarship in the digital age. But, we have also faced many challenges, including resources, training, funding, peer review, and tenure and promotion guidelines. What supports do digital scholarship, research, teaching, and community-based work need to thrive? At this year’s first DHWG meet-up, we have the pleasure of discussing our experiences learning about and carrying out digital humanities scholarship with Dr. Matthew Goldfeder, Director of Fellowship Programs, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). We will also have the opportunity to learn more about the ACLS Digital Extension Grants program, made possible with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which makes available significant funding to extend the reach of digital projects to have a much broader scholarly and public impact. Please join us for this conversation and plan to share your existing or hopeful DH experiences, so that together we can brainstorm how the ACLS and UF can better meet the needs of scholars and students interested in digital work in the humanities.
Recommended Readings
ACLS Digital Extension Grants description
Supporting Digital Humanities: Report of a CNI Executive Roundtable Held December 7 & 8, 2014 (May 2016). Coalition for Networked Information: Washington, D.C. View or download the PDF
The UF Digital Humanities Working Group (DHWG) is a group of academic and library faculty, staff, and graduate students who meet monthly to discuss current topics at the intersection of digital technologies and the humanities and support each other in project development. The 2016-17 meet-ups will explore the relationship between the “public” and the digital. These informal gatherings are open to anyone at any level of interest or expertise. Come join us for sharing and discussion!
For more information on the Digital Humanities at UF and to join the DHWG, see the DHWG webpage.
The DHWG is a collaboration between the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere and the George A. Smathers Libraries.