University of Florida Homepage

Christopher Smith

Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (Japanese) 2018-2019 Library Enhancement Grant Christopher Smith, on behalf of the Japanese program in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures received a Library Enhancement Grant to acquire materials necessary to expand the library’s collection of primary source material and scholarship in the fields of Japanese comics and animation, […]

Najwa Al-Tabaa

Department of English 2017-2018 Library Enhancement Grant Najwa Al-Tabaa and Charles Acheson on behalf of the Graduate Comics Organization and ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Study Journal, received a Library Enhancement Grant to acquire materials necessary to enhance these programs focusing on Comics and Visual Rhetoric. The grant will add to the UF Smathers Libraries’ comics collection […]

Andrea Sterk

Late Antique and Medieval Studies 2009-2010 Library Enhancement Grant In recent years there has been growing interest in medieval history at the University of Florida. With four professors in the history department directly engaged in the field, as well as several others in the departments of English, Religion, and Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, among others, […]

Benjamin Hebblethwaite

Haitian Creole Studies 2009-2010 Library Enhancement Grant While many may not know it, the University of Florida has one of the largest collections of Haitian Creole literature in the world. The largest university in a state with one of the largest Creole populations, UF is a vital institution for the study of this language. With […]

Michelle Campos

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 2009-2010 Library Enhancement Grant With events in the Middle East capturing the attention of Americans as never before, demand for courses that shed light on this region has grown. The University of Florida has thus sought to provide students with more opportunities to learn about the history, languages, and cultures […]

Gonda Van Steen

Greek Studies 2010-2011 Library Enhancement Grant When Professor Gonda Van Steen joined the faculty of the Department of Classics at the University of Florida in 2009, she found the modern Greek holdings in the Library to be in need of significant expansion. Dr. Van Steen immediately recognized a need to build more comprehensive holdings in […]

Rebecca Nagy

Director, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art 2010-2011 Library Enhancement Grant The Harn Museum of Art at the University of Florida, with the assistance of a Library Enhancement Grant provided by the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, has made significant book acquisitions in support of the freshman humanities course, “What is the […]

Sean MacDonald and Richard Wang

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (Chinese Studies) 2010-2011 Library Enhancement Grant The University of Florida is home to the largest pool of Chinese scholars in the state. Not only are there four scholars specializing in the language and culture of China currently in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, there are also scholars working on […]

Howard Louthan

Department of History 2010-2011 Library Enhancement Grant The University of Florida is home to a large and growing group of scholars of Central and Eastern Europe. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union this region has emerged with a distinct and fascinating identity, and UF has been leading […]

Brenda Chalfin

Department of Anthropology and Center for African Studies 2009-2010 Library Enhancement Grant Dr. Brenda Chalfin was awarded a Library Enhancement Grant to extend UF’s archives of African Studies by compiling architectural, planning, and housing records from Ghana’s midcentury planned city of Tema. The grant funded digital photographic documentation of urban planning materials dealing with the […]