University of Florida Homepage

Velvet Yates

Department of Classics 2019 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellow Dr. Yates received a Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship for her project titled “The ‘Chain-Saw’ in Archaic Greek quarries on Naxos and Paros”. Investigating the mysterious grooves in the stone surrounding the unfinished Apollonas Colossus on Naxos, this project proposes the ancient Greeks’ usage of a large ‘chain […]

Rae Yan

Department of English 2019 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellow Dr. Yan received a Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship for her project titled “Correspondences on the Human Frame: Anatomy, Literature, and Form in the Victorian Era”. In 1828, a national crisis erupted in Britain following the revelation that the unmet demand for anatomical subjects in medical schools had […]

Delia Steverson

Department of English 2019 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellow Dr. Steverson received a Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship for her project titled “African American Literature and Disability: Toward a Black Critical Disabilities Studies Approach”. Representations of disability permeate African American literature, from the beginning of the African American literary tradition to the contemporary period. In African American Literature […]

Nina Caputo

Department of History 2019 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellow Dr. Caputo received a Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship for her project titled “A Jew in the Margins: Petrus Alfonsi and the Figure of the Medieval Convert”. Petrus Alfonsi converted from Judaism to Christianity in the early 12th century and quickly rose to a position of significance in […]