University of Florida Homepage

Andrew Welton

Ph.D. Candidate, History 2014-2015 Rothman Doctoral Fellowship Andrew Welton, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History used his 2014 Rothman Doctoral Fellowship to travel to the United Kingdom and explore important museum collections, research libraries, and collect data from the field. This research furthered his dissertation project exploring the ancient artifacts, specifically medieval spears, of […]

Yeonhaun Kang

Ph.D. Candidate, English 2014-2015 Tedder Family Doctoral Fellowship Yeonhaun Kang, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of English at the University of Florida, used her Tedder Doctoral Fellowship to travel to the National Museum of American History and the National Agricultural Library in Washington, D.C. Kang’s research highlights how the garden has played a crucial […]

Kevin Funk

Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science 2014-2015 Tedder Family Doctoral Fellowship Kevin Funk, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science, used his 2014 Tedder Family Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities to further his dissertation project entitled, “Capitalists of the World Unite? Locating an Imagined Community of Transnational Capitalists in Latin America’s Booming Relations with the Arab […]

Deborah Andrews

Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology 2014-2015 Rothman Doctoral Fellowship Deborah Andrews, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Florida used her Rothman Doctoral Fellowship to travel to the Puno region of Peru in summer 2014 to investigate whether or not globalization has negatively impacted the agro-diversity of local quinoa markets in the Peruvian […]

Peter Westmoreland

Department of Philosophy 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship Dr. Peter Westmoreland used his 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship to support the writing of a long journal article entitled, “Giving Philosophy a Hand: Left and Right in Swordplay, Brains, and Lived Experience,” which will be submitted for publication in 2015. Westmoreland’s research questions the normative belief […]

Ana de Prada Pérez

Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship Dr. Ana de Prada Pérez, a faculty member in the University of Florida’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, used her 2014 Rothman Summer Faculty Fellowship to conduct research on bilingualism in Minorca, Spain. In particular, de Prada Pérez focused on the phenomenon of […]

Maya Stanfield-Mazzi

School of Art + Art History 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship Dr. Maya Stanfield-Mazzi used her 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship to begin writing a second book manuscript addressing how Amerindian artisans visually articulated Catholicism through church textiles and embroidery after the Spanish conquest. The Spanish colonial period (ca. 1520-1820) is commonly viewed as characterized […]

Kevin Marshall

School of Theatre and Dance 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship Kevin Marshall, a faculty member of the University of Florida School of Theatre and Dance and Director of the Center for Art & Public Policy, used his 2014 Rothman Summer Faculty Fellowship to write the play Gator Tales. Gator Tales delves into the history of […]

Ben Hebblethwaite

Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship Dr. Ben Hebblethwaite used his 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship to travel to Paris, France to study the influence of Islam on French language and culture as part of a long-term book project. In particular, Dr. Hebblethwaite explored the linguistic contact between vernacular French […]

Margaret Butler

School of Music 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship Dr. Margaret Butler used her 2014 Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowship to support work on a second book manuscript, “Opera in the Age of Reform: Traetta, Parma, and the Rhetoric of Innovation.” The setting for her research is the eighteenth century, when the northern Italian city of Parma […]