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Grant Writing Workshop Series

Grant Writing Workshop Series October 4 ‒ November 8, 2023 @(6-7:30PM) Walker Hall 200 This Fall semester, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere is offering a Grant Writing Workshop Series to 15 UF graduate students in the humanities and humanistic sciences. Based on Folsom’s book “How to Get Grant Money in the […]

Anirban Gupta-Nigam

Trained at the intersections of the human and social sciences, Anirban Gupta-Nigam is irreverent about disciplinary frames. In his scholarship and programmatic work alike, he aims to situate narrow expertise in its social context, striving to live up to the spirit of the fox that wants to know many things. This insistence on better understanding how […]

Madan Sara

Madan Sara

The Madan Sara documentary tells the stories of these indefatigable women who work at the margins to make Haiti’s economy run. Despite facing intense hardship and social stigma, the hard work of the Madan Sara puts their children through school, houses their families, and helps to ensure a better life for generations to come.