Ph.D. Candidate, History
2017-2018 Tedder Family Fellow
Elyssa Gage received a Tedder Family Doctoral Fellowship for her dissertation project entitled “‘A Softer and More Durable Glory’: Justice and Colonialism in Post-Revolutionary France, 1802-1830.” This project examines narratives of justice and colonialism in the French Atlantic, specifically in Guadeloupe and the metropole, in the wake of the French and Haitian Revolutions.<!–more–>
With funding from the Tedder Fellowship and a CLAS dissertation research award, Gage spent six weeks at the Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer in Aix-en-Provence conducting the final research for the first half of her dissertation. One of the guiding questions throughout this project has been if the Revolution was a defining moment for the nation of France, what did it mean to be a nation with colonies? The research conducted with this grant enabled Gage to formulate an answer to this based on specific practices as well as intellectual arguments.